Hook Orthodontics: It's Time for a Second Opinion

honolulu braces

1)  Pretty simple. I don’t believe or like what I’m hearing. Heck, you may not like what I’m telling you. I was the fifth opinion once. The first four suggested a $4000 procedure, I recommended extracting a primary tooth only. It worked.

2) The fees are too high. Higher does not mean better.

3) Be careful of a hard sell.

4) Most eight year old's do not need treatment.

5) If you do Phase I treatment, your child probably won’t need orthodontic treatment, Phase II) later, or it may be less difficult later. Lie!

6) If you don’t do Phase I treatment, extractions may be necessary later, when the permanent teeth erupt. Lie! Thanks.

7) Do not start orthodontic treatment if you are moving off the island in the very near future.

Good luck

Dr. Hook


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