Summer Tips for a Summer Smile

Summer is officially here! Summers mean BBQ’s, spending time with friends and family, family vacations and tons of fun for everyone. With all the adventurous excitement of summer, it might be easy to forget a few of our regular simple tips that keep your smile healthy.

1. Stay on Routine: 
Summer screams vacation and fun times for children. It is also the time where it is easy for routines to slip and forget. Don’t forget the nightly and morning routines from simply brushing your teeth to flossing to getting check up from both your dentist and orthodontist, if it falls during the summer.

2. Resist Sugary Drinks:
Say no to the sugary drinks that have a high volume of sugar. Not only is it bad for your teeth, it is also bad for your health. Instead stay hydrated with water. This summer watch your intake of lemonade, soda and sports drinks - which are summer staples. 

3. Traveling: When in Doubt - Use Bottled Water:
Summer means family vacations for most families. If you’re traveling outside of the country or are out in the wilderness - brush your teeth with bottled water. It will reduce your chances of getting sick and keep your smile healthy beyond summer. 

4. Brush:
With an abnormal routine at times during the summer - be sure to not forget the important step in keeping your summer smile healthy, brushing your teeth! The American Dental Association, recommends everyone brush their teeth for 2 minutes, 2 times a day.


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