Invisalign for Adults

When adults think of “orthodontics,” they think of teenagers, hard metal braces in their mouth and an inconvenience in their lives. This could be further from the truth. New technology and experienced orthodontic care have revolutionized the way people can receive orthodontic treatment and achieve a beautiful smile. Age is not a factor in considering orthodontic treatment for adults. Any adult in good general health with healthy gums and good bone support for the teeth is a good candidate for orthodontic treatment. About 25% of our orthodontic patients are adults and that number is still growing! As we grow older, our teeth may begin to shift. There are various ways adults can straighten their teeth without disrupting their lives and fitting every lifestyle. Of course there are the tradition metal braces that lead to a healthier beautiful smile. Choosing to straighten your teeth is a big decision that affects not only your appearance, but your lifestyle as well and the benefits o...